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C.O.M.R.A.D.E Auto Blue


The Collaborative One-hand Mechanical Rapid Automatic Deploying Edge aka C.O.M.R.A.D.E. is a knife brought to you by NCC Knives and Menovade.


The C.O.M.R.A.D.E was 2 years in the making to perfect the mechanism and combine the design stylings from both makers on this tiny but mighty collaboration. COMRADE is an amalgamation of the best aspects of both companies. Its durable construction, strong/fast deployment, and perfect balance makes it a must-have tool for anyone looking for a reliable compact everyday carry. Experience the perfect fusion of engineering and performance with the COMRADE and elevate your EDC to new heights.



Blade Steel: CTS-XHP

Blade Style: Handground and finished by Menovade 

Handle Material: 6061 Aluminum 

Pocket Clip: 3D sculpted Titanium

Blade Length: 1.95" (Cali Legal)

Overall Length: 4.875"

Weight: 2.7oz

C.O.M.R.A.D.E Auto Blue

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